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With Rember Yahuarcani, Santiago Yahuarcani, Nereida López and Martha López


Rember Yahuarcani is an indigenous from the Uitoto Nation who lives in Lima. From his clan, the White Heron, only two families remain in Peru. Rember is an artist and paints inspired by the stories his grandmother Martha told him before she died. However, he has never dived into the darkest part of his nation’s history: the indigenous massacre during the rubber boom. Martha is a survivor of the horror and she speaks to Rember in dreams guiding him in a spiritual journey back to the jungle. He first visits his parents, who are also artists, in the Peruvian jungle. And finally, he sails to La Chorrera, in Colombia, where he confronts the past and meets other members of his clan. 

Captura de pantalla 2020-04-19 a les 18.
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Upcoming Festivals

FICCI - Festival Internacional de Cine de Cartagena de Indias. March 16-21, 2022

Contact: LABPCA - Julia Gamarra Hinostroza   +51 997 047 235

Previous Festivals
  • International Documentary and Short Film Festival of Kerala 2021 - International Long Documentary section, India

  • Atlantidoc 2021 - Festival Internacional de Cine Documental del Uruguay

  • Gala Film Fest Latin American Innovation 2021, Washington, DC, USA

  • LatinameriKa i Fokus 2021, Sweden

  • Native Cinema Showcase 2021 - Smithsonian National Museum of American Indian, USA

  • Festival del Cinema Ibero-Latino Americano de Trieste 2021, Italy

  • Independent FilmFest Osnabrück 2021, Norway

  • International Festival Signs of the Night in Bangkok 2021, Main Award Documentary Section, Thailand

  • Internationales Festival Zeichen der Nacht in Berlin 2021, Germany

  • Festival de Málaga 2021, Sección Oficial de Documentales a concurso, Spain

  • LASA Film Festival 2021, Toronto, Canadá

  • Seattle International Film Festival 2021, Ibero-American Cinema, Competition and cINeDIGENOUS program, USA

  • Festival Internacional del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano 2020, La Habana, Cuba

  • Festival Internacional de Cine de Guadalajara 2020, México. Mejor largometraje iberoamericano documental

  • Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival 2020, Canada

  • 24 Festival de Cine de Lima 2020, Peru

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© 2020  Travesía Films & La Mula Cine

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